Monday, March 5, 2012


I am not sure that I always loved to worship God. I used to tolerate going to church and sitting through songs written 500 years ago. Then I went off to college and shook my head in disgust during chapel, while guitar players jumped off their amps in the middle of worship. I felt like it was a show on all fronts, traditional and modern. I did not grasp the ultimate joy that happens when we soften our hearts and find that complete joy is simply praising our God.

Last week I went to The Steps, a local ministry for children and youth. During this time they had a worship service, and I loved it. I did not know all of the songs, the songs played were not great, and many of the kids were just taking it in and not singing; but, through all of this I still felt the presence of God. It was incredible! I think it is because my understanding of worship has changed. Worship is a time where we come before our God and let him know we are with him. Worship is us, as followers of Christ, declaring before God that our hearts are focused on him and his Kingdom, and nothing else. It doesn’t matter whether a “b” string on a guitar is badly out of tune or if a song was written by a church music dinosaur. What matters is that our hearts are focused on God and lifting him up in praise! Man, I love to worship God any time, now--no matter the style. I seek ways in which I can worship and I can never get enough.

When a Church moves, it worships God!

Glorify the Lord with me; let us exalt his name together. -Psalm 34:3

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