Friday, March 23, 2012

Mad Men

Over the last few years, my TV intake has gone down. This is not because I had a revelation that TV takes up way to much of my time and I would be better served reading a book, but it is because LOST was my wife and I favorite show. Since LOST went off the air, we have been lost as to what show to watch.

Now, thanks to Netflix, we are hooked on Mad Men. We worked hard this winter to catch up and be ready for the new season that begins March 25, with a two-hour premier.

Mad Men is a fun show to watch that has interesting characters that are broken people but in need of success to make them feel for a time fixed. The main character Donald Draper is a man who wants to be good and happy, but keeps coming up short in make the right decisions for this to happen. The other characters in a way follow suite.

I am excited for a new season and to actually be able to care what is on my TV for the first time in a long time. I hope the characters develop in away that makes it worth watching and of course, if I were a writer for the show I would help solve all the problems by having them come to Jesus! I know I am a pastor, but its true.

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