Wednesday, September 12, 2012


I love music. In fact, I am a new-music junkie. When I was a teenager, I thought the internet was created so that I could just look up new bands all day and listen to music.  I have not stopped this practice now, even though I have been an adult for a long time.  I believe music speaks for a generation and where they are in life and and even where they are with God. This past week, I came across two bands that have been very good for my soul.  Both of these bands are worship bands who speak to my walk with Christ right now.  Good artists are great because they put into words where people are today. 
My ears first caught hear of Young Oceans. This band is from NYC, on the Asthmatic  Kitty label along with Sufjan Stevens and The Welcome Wagon.   They lead worship at Trinity Grace Church, which is a neat church movement in NYC neighborhoods.  This band has words that lift up our Savior in praise and use a airy and simple style that leads my heart right into worship. 
Wayfarer is a band that has captured my headphones and touched my soul.  They are describe themselves this way, "We're Wayfarer from Seattle. We play repurposed hymns and spiritual songs. Modern music, classic words." I love that they respect the depth of old hymns and are making the theology in these songs heard again in a fresh way. 
Music is a gift God has given us, as the church, to write and sing and play and hear theology, to  celebrate our Savior and our new life, and to worship.